Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry
Many of our patients seek cosmetic dental treatment to enhance the appearance of their teeth. At Staina House in Garstang, we use the latest techniques to deliver a stunning, naturally beautiful smile tailored to your needs. What sets our cosmetic dentistry services apart is our ability to exercise precise control over the visual outcome of our work. Through close collaboration with you and our dental laboratories, we ensure that the results not only meet but exceed your expectations. With a full range of cosmetic dental treatments available, we can help you achieve a beautiful smile.
High-Quality Cosmetic Dental Treatments
We pride our reputation on providing high-quality, accurate dentistry that is both biologically sound and aesthetically pleasing. In particular, we will always look for the safest treatment options that will preserve the tooth enamel with the least interference to the healthy tooth. All of our cosmetic dental treatments are carried out in comfortable surroundings with the utmost care and skill.
Cosmetic Dental Aftercare
Regular dental care is essential to keep your cosmetic dentistry looking great and lasting as long as possible. We always recommend you have regular general checkups and dental hygiene visits where appropriate.
Comprehensive Range of Cosmetic Dental Treatments
At Staina House Dental Practice, we continuously invest in our professional development and the best materials available. We are pleased to offer a full range of cosmetic and aesthetic dental treatments, including, but not limited to, cosmetic dental whitening, fillings, porcelain veneers and dentures.
All ceramic restorations are provided by a private laboratory, Filippini and Grey, with whom we have worked closely for more than fifteen years. We use only the very highest quality laboratory materials and alloys in the construction of our work.
Cosmetic dentures are constructed with the help of senior technician, Andy Phelan at Dent8, Blackpool, with whom we have worked for more than twenty years.
Get in touch with us
To learn more about our cosmetic or general dental treatments, please call our team today on 01995 605 707. We look forward to hearing from you.
We are Accredited by the Care Quality Commision.
Denplan transfers are accepted at our practice.
Our dental practice has disabled access to the front and a disabled parking space.